Diabetes can affect your eyes as early as 40 through 60 years and can result into blindness if left undetected or untreated. At an advanced stage it can cause irreparable damage to the retina besides bleeding and oedema. The only way out here is prevention. To prevent yourself from getting into this soup called blindness due to diabetes you need to arrange a regular may be a yearly eye checkup. If you live in USA or UK, there is a definite procedure under which once you are listed under the diabetic ones you automatically get listed under the eye checkup program which allows you to examine your eyes every year all your life.
In India there are over 100 million diabetics already and hence the eye checkup facility is necessary. Either you do a private personal checkup every year or you can do it through a non-profit organization like eyebetes foundation. This foundation has been established with an objective to bridge the gap between diabetes and eye issues. It provides free eye screening camps, carries out further research in the field and also spreads awareness on the same through their various initiatives.
Eyebetes Camps
These camps carry out free checks for eye and blood pressure as well as sugar. You can register by providing your name and mobile number age and gender to get a unique ID for the process. The reports are texted to the participants post the tests and are also available on the website to review for the patient. The eyebetes foundation representative also follow up after a month to enquire from patients who have eye issues whether they have taken further treatment.
The foundation uses data or research from the west to devise prevention and treatment plans for Indian Diabetics. Though food habits, genetics, etc. of Indians are very different from others the international data still is of great use in understanding the Indian diabetic and creating custom made prevention and treatment plans.
The eyebetes foundation has successfully carried out over half a lac screenings and spread awareness across almost 9 lacs people living in Mumbai and its sub burbs. If you are a diabetic and have not screened your eyes do it now.