Early Signs Of Diabetes Type 2 You Must Not Ignore

Also known as the silent killer, diabetes can do a lot of damage if you do not manage to understand the early signs of it. Type 2 diabetes is a very common form of diabetes and is a result of lack of exercise and obesity.

Many a times your skin shows you the symptoms and it is preventable if you exercise and maintain normal weight. As per reports around 90% of cases of diabetes are apparently preventable if measures are taken on time. Furthermore, if diabetes type 2 is left untreated then it could also lead to life threatening health complications like heart attack, kidney failure and strokes.

So, why are the warning signs not taken seriously, is one question that haunts many. The reason could be as simple as not taking them as signs but simple health issues that could fade away with time or just taking notice and delaying checkup till it’s forgotten.

Well, let us run down some of the signs that could help you alert around type 2 diabetes.

  1. Frequent Washroom trips – high blood sugar means kidneys work hard to remove the excess sugar form the blood and hence it is considered to be an alarm for diabetes if one has to frequently wake up to go to pee.
  2. Frequent urge to drink water – Due to frequent urination, even the urge to drink water increases due to dehydration
  3. Fatigue – The energy levels of type 2 diabetes people are low due to deficiency of sugar through the blood stream to the body cells.
  4. Hunger pangs – Due to lack of energy people suffering from type 2 diabetes tend to feel hungry on a constant basis even if they’d have eaten recently enough
  5. Blurry Vision – At times high sugar could damage vision and result into blurred vision in one or both the eyes
  6. Yeast Infections – Excess sugar in body could lead to yeast infection. The affected areas could get red, sore or itchy.
  1. Tingling and Numbness – Due to rise in sugar levels people with this condition could experience tingling and numbess in their hands and feet. Known as neuropathy this condition has chances of worsening with time and hence early intervention is required.
  1. Skin Darkening – For people suffering from diabetes, dark, velvety and soft patches appear on skin anywhere around the armpits, groin or neck.

Perhaps, its not that difficult to be alarmed if we only pay attention at the signs. Early intervention could help deal with diabetes in a better way and also keep other life threatening conditions at bay.

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Exercise Your Way To Reduce Depression

A First of its kind study has revealed that physical activity can aid in reducing depression even if there is a higher genetic risk. The study was carried out by author Karmel Choi, Ph.D and her colleagues at the Massachusetts General Hospital of Boston. They used the electronic and genomic data records of 8000 participants in Partners biobank for the study. The study was spread across 2 years wherein the lead author Choi and his team studied through millions of data points in order to look into people having any depression related diagnosis.

They also calculated the genetic risk score for every participant by combining information around every participant complete genome to come to score that determines their genetic risk for developing depression. The data also revealed that people with high genetic risk score could be diagnosed about it anytime in the coming 2 years. But, those who were active physically even with higher genetic risk of depression were less likely to experience depression.

As per Choi an average 35 minutes of exercise on a daily basis could help you reduce the risk of depression and even protect you against depression bouts in future. The findings of the study Choi said that “our findings strongly suggest that, when it comes to depression, genes are not destiny and that being physically active has the potential to neutralize the added risk of future episodes in individuals who are genetically vulnerable”.

Well, exercise is always a good idea because it is useful and sparing out 30 to 35 minutes for yourself every day is the least you could do for your own wellness. A fit body definitely helps to keep you mind fit. So, invest in exercising atleast half and hour a day and you’ll see the difference in your overall fitness levels soon.

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How Climatic Conditions Effect Mental Health

No a new idea really, as there have been studies earlier around relationship study between mental health and climatic conditions. But, as the climatic conditions seen to be changing drastically and global warming issues and more are becoming the talk of the town, even the psychological health issues are becoming the areas of focus.

The earlier studies primarily were carried out for a short period of time and only have been able to identify the links between mental health as well as temperature but the research till date only involves short time period and more focused on connection rather than causal factors. Moreover, this findings have so far not yielded any substantial conclusions. So, the researchers with this study are hoping to get answers to their questions that are not answered as yet.

The researchers for their study has gathered data from various sources including Californian emergency departments, collecting data and analyzing information from the data of mental health diagnosis visits during the period of 2005 – 2016.

They even mined for data around suicides in America during 1960 – 2016 period. These information was based on statuses that were individually self-reported. After drilling the climatic temperature in US down, the researchers managed to develop ‘’fine spatial and temporal scales”.

From the study the researchers concluded that the mental health outcomes decrease as the temperatures cool and the increase mental health issues with rise in temperatures. Statistically speaking they found that there was a rise in 0.48% rise in mental health visits with a rise in average monthly temperature of 10 F and even a rise in suicides by 0.35%

In short, the rise and drop in temperatures has a significant impact of the mental health because the authors of the study also showed stability in the estimates even when accounted for socio economic status and air conditioning adoption.

As for suicide rate, it rises only if there is a rise in temperature amid the growing season because growing season is all about crop yields. If the temperature rises, the crop yield reduces and leads to financial issues that in turn increase the risk of suicides.

*Sourced from Internet

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Eat Indian Jujube In Abundance – Check Out Their Amazing Health Benefits

The winter has almost arrived, and with it has arrived the season of Indian Jujube, or as we call them locally BER. Not many are aware that they are also known as the Korean date or Chinese date or even Indian Date.

A bite sized fruit, it is relished by many but very few of us really know about its umpteen health benefits. Here’s a run down some of them –

  1. Rich Source of Vitamin C – Jujube’s are known to be loaded with vitamin C as well as antioxidents and we all know the role of Vitamin C in revitalizing our skin, building immunity as well as fighting free radicals. Just consuming around 100 gms of Jujube can give you 69 mg of Vitamin C. Hence, eating jujube could be a great way of getting vitamin C as our body is not capable of producing the same.
  1. Bone Strength – Want strong bones? Eat Jujubes. Yes, you read that right. Jujubes are also power packed with calcium, iron as well as phosphorous thus helping in improving. Hence, it’s a tasty alternative for people with oesteoprosis and bone degrading.
  1. Anxiety soother – This fruit is known to have a calming effect on the brain as well as the nervous system. Jujube as well as its oil extract is known have sedative effects and relax your body down by working on the hormonal levels.
  1. Constipation Relief – Jujube is known to provide great relief to people suffering from chronic constipation. As per statistics over 20% Indians suffer from chronic constipation and still its not been on the list of concerns. As jujube’s are a rich source of fibre, they help in digestion and regulation of bowel movements.
  1. Sleep Well – Jujubes are rich in antioxidant pythochemicals, sapnins, flavonoids and polysaccharides known to have sedative properties. Hence, it helps in sleeping well by calming the nerves. So, people if you are suffering from insomnia, try jujubes.

Well, as this fruit is rich in fibre as well, its also considered to aid people looking at weight loss. Perhaps, its high time you make it an integral part of your fruit consumption or diet may be.

*Sourced from Internet

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