Sports Hobbies For Middle Aged Women – Benefits

A study around post-menopausal women published in the journal Frontiers in Endocrinology reveals that physical activity that involves sports in leisure time helps in managing the blood lipid profile well, thus reducing cardiovascular conditions as blood lipid profile is a market of heart conditions.

As per Karvinen and his team, after menopause the risk of cardiovascular conditions increases significantly in women and lipid profile is a reliable marker to measure heart health. He and his colleagues investigated around 193 menopausal women participants of the age group 47-55 from Finland, registered for the Estrogenic Regulation of Muscle Apoptosis (ERMA) study. The study is co-authored by Dr Mathew Jergenson of Minnesota Medical School and University in Minneapolis. The reason behind conducting the study as per him was to explore if physical activity did have a role in cardiovascular risk factors.

He says “It is well known that physical activity has health benefits, yet it is less clear to what extent physical activity prevents negative changes in lipid profile while women are in their menopausal transition. The participants were monitored for physical activity levels in leisure time, generally and specifically also, using accelerometers and had to answer questions as well.

Leisure is the time that is not related to routine daily work be it housework or commuting and includes sport or recreation activities in free time.

The researchers found out that there was indeed a connection between more activities during leisure time and lowering of cholesterol levels particularly (LDL) as well as with high levels of cholesterol (HDL). Karvin reports that indeed the leisure time physical activities were related to healthy lipid profiles. But, that does not mean that the negative changes in lipid profile during menopause can be fully done away with due to leisure time sports activities.

The author also said that leisure time physical activities will underscore the adverse atherogenic changes in the cardiovascular risk factors in middle aged women who are healthy. Hence, sport related activities in leisure are good.

*Sourced from Internet

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Monsoon And Child Health Issues

Well, everyone loves the rains, more so the foodies as the season where you hog on hot pakoras or samosas, bhutta or chalebi while sipping on your hot piping tea. Coming to the flip side Monsoon does bring along health hazards in form of illness like Dengue, Jaundice, Cholera, Malaria, thypoid, Gastro-intestinal infections, hepatitis A. Here’s a run-down five of the most common illness viral/bacteria borne, that you need to protect your child from –

Dengue – Caused by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, Dengue mosquitos breed in stagnant water be it flower pots, buckets, tree holes or drums etc. The incubation period is four to seven days after being bitten. The symptoms include high grade fever with decreasing platelet count as well as rashes. To prevent dengue try to keep your body covered as much as possible and use mosquito repellents. Citronella is a good mosquito repellent plant.

Diarrhoea – This is one condition that can be prevented with proper precautions as it is caused because of unhygienic food and water consumption. The best way to prevent it is to drink boiled water and eat home cooked food. Both the types of diarrhea, chronic as well as acute can be managed through appropriate and timely treatment.

Typhoid This is another waterborne condition that is caused by S typhi bacteria. The main reason is poor sanitation. The symptoms include weakness, pain, fever as well as sore throat to name a few. This condition can also be prevented by avoiding street food, keeping your hands clean and keeping yourself hydrated with healthy fluids.

Malaria – This is also a water borne condition that is caused due to the female anopheles mosquito. This mosquito breeds in water logged areas and hence is a common condition in monsoon. The symptoms include fever with chills or shivering, body ache and weakness, etc. The best way to prevent the cause of malaria is to keep surroundings clean especially water tanks.

Jaundice – Jaundice is also a water borne disease that could go serious if not treated properly. This is again a result of consuming contaminated food and water. The symptoms of jaundice include yellow eyes and urine, weakness and liver dysfunction.

*Sourced from the Internet

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Second Hand Smoke Is Also Dangerous To Health

We are aware how dangerous smoking is for health, but second hand smoke viz. the smoke that we inhale when someone else is smoking could be life threatening too. As per statistics second hand smoke is known to cause over 3000 deaths due to heart disease to non-smokers.

Second hand smoke can be particularly harmful to children because their lungs are still under development. Many children inhale this dangerous smoke at home if their parents or family members smoke, primarily. Even parents who smoke outside risk their children to harmful chemicals because of second hand smoke.

Also, known as environmental tobacco smoke, the smoke that is breathed out as well as the smoke that is released from pipes, cigars, burning cigarettes, cigars or pipes contains around 4000 chemicals. Almost 50 of these chemicals are carcinogenic and are known to increase the risk of cancer.

The American Academy of pediatrics (AAP) did a research on third hand smoke also. Third hand smoke is the smoke that is left behind in areas where people smoke. Though people leave the place after smoking, the harmful toxins remain for a while for example in bars, upholstery, even child’s hair if the care taker smokes.

Well, second hand smoke and third hand smoke both are harmful to adults, children and even the unborn developing ones. Unborn and children are at a higher risk. Children whose parents smoke cough more than children generally do. They are at the risk of getting coughs and colds, tooth decay, ear infections and respiratory problems. Children suffering from asthma are particularly prone to second hand smoke as it can lead to asthma attacks that to frequent and severe leading to a rise in hospital visits.

Well, so if you think that only smoking is injuries to health, you are certainly not right, its also the people around the smokers that are at the risk inspite of being not guilty of smoking. Take care. Quit now.

*Sourced from the Internet

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Encephalitis (CHAMKI Fever) The Deadly Fever That Has Killed Over 150 Children In Bihar And Jharkhand Already

The news of around 150 children dead due to the chamki fever is already a topic of concern present day. The Supreme Court also has taken notice of this serious or grave situation and directed Center to immediately form a medical expert team for the treatment of children having AES.

An inflammation of brain, encephalitis commonly known as chamki fever is the inflammation of brain. It is caused by viral infection and affects the nervous system. There are two main types of Encephalitis namely Primary and Secondary. This fever usually occurs in kids and youngsters below 15 years of age.

The primary is caused due to direct viral infection to the brain while secondary is a result of a weak immune system and can be a result of infection in any part of the body. Presently, there’s an outbreak of this fever in Bihar and Jharkhand. Recently, even Bengal has reported three cases of AES or Chamki of which one is critical.


AES is known to be a viral infection but can occur due to mosquito borne viruses, Zika or Nipah Virus, Rabis virus, childhood infections, enteroviruses and herpes virus as well. In India the most commonly known AES causing virus is the Japanese Encephalitis (JE) as almost 5 -35% cases are that of JE Virus AES. Though, this year only two cases are due to the JE Virus and exact cause of so many deaths is not known. What is known is that the deaths were caused by hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels)


At the initial stage the symptoms are similar to mild flu and include fever, headache, fatigue, muscle or joint pain. Though in the later or severe stage it leads to hallucinations, agitation, confusion, muscle weakness, hearing difficulties paralysis, sensation loss, vomiting, poor eating, body stiffness, skull bulging and more.


There is not medicine yet for this fever and the mild one can be brought down through adequate rest and continuous fluid intake. Drugs like Tylenol, Aleve and Advil also can be used. Medications like Foscavir, Cytoven and Zovirax can be used for the viral Encephalitis only on prescription basis. Do not consume any medications with Doctors consult. At times supportive care like breathing assistance, intravenous fluids to keep the person hydrated, anti-convulsant and anti-inflammatory drugs against seizures and swelling could be required.


Prevention is always better and hence to avoid getting this condition try to maintain hygiene at home, clean your hands properly after you visit the toilet and before eating food. Also, drink clean water and use mosquito nets and repellants when sleeping.

*Sourced from the Internet

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Tatoo Ink and Side Effects – A Short Review

Tatoo Ink and Side Effects

Before we get to the question that whether tatoo ink is harmful to the body or not just quickly understand the process through with tatooing is carried out. The tatoo artist, to make a permanent tatoo uses hundreds of needles for pricking into the skin and delivering ink into the dermis. Now, dermis as well know lies below the epidermis layer of skin and consists of nerves and blood vessels. Yes, its obviously painful and to make a tatoo isn’t less than an act of bravery for many. The point in question is that many of us really wish to have permanent tatoos and many of us may already have had one but rarely anyone of us has ever thought about the side effect of inking at all.

But, we do have a few curious heads called researchers and scientists who are apparently trying to figure out whether this tatoo ink is harmful or not. Now, research findings show that once the ink is delivered by the tatoo artist inside the dermis, it moves to the lymphatic system through the blood stream to the lymph nodes. This is because of the carbon black in the ink which has the ability to break down into nano particles fast and spread through blood. But, sometimes tatoo ink also consists of nickel and chromium additions particularly in organic tatoos. In mice it has also shown to reach the liver. Reaching the liver might take some time but as per dermatologists within minutes of insertion the ink particles reach the lymph nodes.

Now let us understand what happens to the tatoo pigments after the tatoo is done. Some of the ink gets cleared but some is not cleared by the repair cells known as macrophages and remain trapped within the skin cells and showing out through the skin as a tatoo. Generally the ink does not go very far from the point it is injected but some of it does have the ability to travel to the lymph nodes. Research has also shown that many of the individuals with enlarged lymph nodes have been the ones with tatoos for more than a decade.

Well, but it is yet to be proved if tatoo ink is apparently harmful to the body or not. Research is still in progress to say the least.

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Microscopic Robots To Replace Doctors Sooner or Later?

Microscopic robots may seem a new phrase but we all are aware of nanotechnology, the word at least if not more. Now, nanometer is equal to one billionth of a meter and is smallest of the scales. It is apparently the size we consider for atoms and cells inside the body. We all know are body is made of millions of cells and atoms but when it comes to treatment, it happens on a greater scale. Cells or atoms are not even visible through the naked eye. So, nanotechnology works at the cellular level thus matching the levels at which our body cells or atoms work. Though, its not perfected as yet, we’ve certainly come out with a lot of solutions based on nanotechnology and are probably heading northward in the arena.

Microscopic Robots To Replace Doctors Sooner or Later

In layman’s language using nanotechnology, we can shrink the medical tools used for treating or intervention in the human body to the size of cells or atoms present inside. Using the right size tool will help intricate interventions with simplicity. Surgeries with complexities and involving heavy blood loss can be done away with using such a technology. There is a lot of scope to this technology, as per the researchers and experts in the field. Be it targeted drug treatment to treating critical illnesses like cancers, where nano scalpels are presently being used for damage repair of individual cells.

Furthermore, there is a possibility of improved biological sensors as well as disease diagnosis in the times to come. Just imagine subatomic robots just like a miniature army of soldiers getting into your body and fighting against the ailment to cure you off, that too without any major blood filled surgeries or incisions.

One of the examples on which researchers are presently working in some part of the world is ‘drug agnostic’. Consider a reservoir miniature in nature filled with a drug that needs to be delivered to a certain part of the body. All this needs to be done in a sustained linear way without using pumps, valves or any electrically powered tool. Its works through the nano channel delivery system (NDS). On the basis of the size of the drug molecules, the nano channel membranes are tailored and implanted below the skin. It then moves through the membranes into the patients body. As per the researchers, presently, the nano channel size is a barrier to its movement and lower the size to 2.5 nano meters would definitely help overcome the snag and also help control the drug delivery speed. Looking at the potential of this project a multi-million dollar grant has been already approved for the same.

Well, the use of microscopic robots for treatment is just at its infancy stage and a lot needs to be worked on yet, but positively it would take less than a decade to see it reach the operation theatres of hospitals and that’s definitely a good sign.

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