The winter has almost arrived, and with it has arrived the season of Indian Jujube, or as we call them locally BER. Not many are aware that they are also known as the Korean date or Chinese date or even Indian Date.
A bite sized fruit, it is relished by many but very few of us really know about its umpteen health benefits. Here’s a run down some of them –

- Rich Source of Vitamin C – Jujube’s are known to be loaded with vitamin C as well as antioxidents and we all know the role of Vitamin C in revitalizing our skin, building immunity as well as fighting free radicals. Just consuming around 100 gms of Jujube can give you 69 mg of Vitamin C. Hence, eating jujube could be a great way of getting vitamin C as our body is not capable of producing the same.
- Bone Strength – Want strong bones? Eat Jujubes. Yes, you read that right. Jujubes are also power packed with calcium, iron as well as phosphorous thus helping in improving. Hence, it’s a tasty alternative for people with oesteoprosis and bone degrading.
- Anxiety soother – This fruit is known to have a calming effect on the brain as well as the nervous system. Jujube as well as its oil extract is known have sedative effects and relax your body down by working on the hormonal levels.
- Constipation Relief – Jujube is known to provide great relief to people suffering from chronic constipation. As per statistics over 20% Indians suffer from chronic constipation and still its not been on the list of concerns. As jujube’s are a rich source of fibre, they help in digestion and regulation of bowel movements.
- Sleep Well – Jujubes are rich in antioxidant pythochemicals, sapnins, flavonoids and polysaccharides known to have sedative properties. Hence, it helps in sleeping well by calming the nerves. So, people if you are suffering from insomnia, try jujubes.
Well, as this fruit is rich in fibre as well, its also considered to aid people looking at weight loss. Perhaps, its high time you make it an integral part of your fruit consumption or diet may be.
*Sourced from Internet
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