Ebola Virus – Recent International Outbreak

The Ebola virus is responsible for spread of Ebola haemorragic fever, a rare diseases that is found in Africa with a mortality rate of 25% to 90%. The transmission of the virus is possible human to human through direct contact with blood as well as bodily fluids. The outbreak first occurred in the year 1976 in the Democratic Republic of Congo. As of now most of the outbreaks have been spotted in Africa only.


The initial symptoms of Ebola haemorrhagic fever are misleading as they are same as any conditions like malaria or common cold. It starts suddenly accompanied with fatigue, lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea (contain mucus or blood sometimes). The second stage is when the symptoms aggravate and lead to bleeding skin, gums and nose, blood vomits and stools. The patient could also show symptoms like sore throat, swallowing issues and skin rashes.

Risk Factors
If a person comes in direct contact with the secretions, bodily fluids, organs or blood of the infected living or dead organisms. Though in the initial stage of symptomatic patients the risk is very low. It can also spread through unprotected sexual contact with a recovered ebola infected patient too.
Though it is transmitted through droplets but a casual contact cannot lead to an infection unless there is any contact with bodily fluids. Though most of these infections are human to human but there have been cases where handling dead animals like chimpanzees, bats, wild animals or bush meat has lead to the same.

Mortality Rate
The mortality rate of patients infected with ebola is said to be very high as much as 25% to 90%.

As of now there is no vaccine and no treatment for the ebola haemorragic fever and only supportive care is the offered treatment in order to provide relief from side effects of any arising complications.
Preventive Measures
In order to breaking the transmission chain. The suspected people and the people who have come in close contact with the infected people need to be kept under supervision.
• To prevent yourself from contracting ebola stay away from infected people.
• Avoid close contact or contact with bodily fluids of the infected deceased.
• Wash hands with soap and antiseptics on a regular basis
• Avoid consuming bush meat and contact with wild animals like rodents, bats, monkeys, forest antelopes dead or alive.