Early Signs Of Diabetes Type 2 You Must Not Ignore

Also known as the silent killer, diabetes can do a lot of damage if you do not manage to understand the early signs of it. Type 2 diabetes is a very common form of diabetes and is a result of lack of exercise and obesity.

Many a times your skin shows you the symptoms and it is preventable if you exercise and maintain normal weight. As per reports around 90% of cases of diabetes are apparently preventable if measures are taken on time. Furthermore, if diabetes type 2 is left untreated then it could also lead to life threatening health complications like heart attack, kidney failure and strokes.

So, why are the warning signs not taken seriously, is one question that haunts many. The reason could be as simple as not taking them as signs but simple health issues that could fade away with time or just taking notice and delaying checkup till it’s forgotten.

Well, let us run down some of the signs that could help you alert around type 2 diabetes.

  1. Frequent Washroom trips – high blood sugar means kidneys work hard to remove the excess sugar form the blood and hence it is considered to be an alarm for diabetes if one has to frequently wake up to go to pee.
  2. Frequent urge to drink water – Due to frequent urination, even the urge to drink water increases due to dehydration
  3. Fatigue – The energy levels of type 2 diabetes people are low due to deficiency of sugar through the blood stream to the body cells.
  4. Hunger pangs – Due to lack of energy people suffering from type 2 diabetes tend to feel hungry on a constant basis even if they’d have eaten recently enough
  5. Blurry Vision – At times high sugar could damage vision and result into blurred vision in one or both the eyes
  6. Yeast Infections – Excess sugar in body could lead to yeast infection. The affected areas could get red, sore or itchy.
  1. Tingling and Numbness – Due to rise in sugar levels people with this condition could experience tingling and numbess in their hands and feet. Known as neuropathy this condition has chances of worsening with time and hence early intervention is required.
  1. Skin Darkening – For people suffering from diabetes, dark, velvety and soft patches appear on skin anywhere around the armpits, groin or neck.

Perhaps, its not that difficult to be alarmed if we only pay attention at the signs. Early intervention could help deal with diabetes in a better way and also keep other life threatening conditions at bay.

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Brain Has Eyes Too – A sneak Peek Into Neurons

Yes, that is true. Nicknamed as ‘Jennifer Aniston’ a neuron based on the participant study which showed that one of the neuron of his brain lit up on recognizing the face of particular people like Jennifer Aniston or Hillary Clinton. So, this neuron was named after Jennifer Aniston. This report further revealed that one single specific cell lit up whenever a person’s certain conscious experience was concerned. This throws further light on the response of brain cells the relation of the activities with consciousness. Though, understanding the scope and science of human consciousness is a mystery that is yet to be unfolded and even researchers cannot say with surety if these neurons lead to conscious thoughts.

Brain Has Eyes Too - A sneak Peek Into Neurons

There were studies around the same carried out in 2008 which used a masking technique. This technique showed an image of a popular person like Aniston for 16 milliseconds immediately followed by a pattern Image muddling the face afterimage on the retina, thus making it rather hard for the brain to register what it saw. Later on in another study that used a method for hiding images from participants awareness. The phenomenon used for the experiment is called attentional blink wherein two target images are shown in a high speed streaming along with some other similar images. This results in a person often not able to recognize the second image targeted.

A similar study was carried out over a list of 21 patients under epilepsy and brains were fitted with special treatment electrodes. The trial included showing 14 different images predetermined by the scientist as familiar to the person. Further each one had a particular activity of specific brain cell. Now, when the trial was conducted, the researchers asked the participants to concentrate on two target images of the 14. All the images would later be flashed on the screen for 150 milliseconds. The medial temporal lobe was under constant monitoring during and after the trail and the researchers queried the participants if they had seen two images of familiar faces.

Every cell with unique signature was studied as it lit up and helped researchers link a brain cell pattern to particular images and had the ability to tell about the image represented even though
the participants are not aware of it.

Furthermore, research work is on as the researchers believe that they are at the intersection of perception and memory and investigation was needed to find out the results of direct stimulation of neurons.

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