We are all aware of that yoga has immense benefits when it comes to health, whether it is physical or mental and overall fitness as well. Yoga, a 5000 years old practice is known to have numerous health and fitness benefits. Let’s look through 10 of the benefits that Yoga provides and that you can reap. – And yes, you do not have to be a pro to do so.

Present day, not only physical health is an issue, but so is mental health. The unhealthy lifestyles are topped with hectic and stressful work schedules taking a toll on the mental and emotional health of humans. While exercise, walks and activity helps work on physical health, Yoga works well with mental health issues as well. Yoga is responsible for stimulation of the love and bonding hormone called oxytocin. Hence, those who practice yoga on a regular basis
Stress Buster – Yoga can help heal issues of mental health like depression, psychiatric conditions, schizophrenia by increasing the secretion levels of the hormone called oxytocin, known to be the boding hormone.
Back Pain Relief – There are studies to prove that yoga does help in providing relief with chronic back pain. Yoga is even good for people who do not have any back pain issues as yoga can help improve spinal flexibility.
Fertility boost – Doing yoga on a regular basis helps de-stress and thus opens up the energetic channels of the body. The body is relaxed and thus enhances the fertility as the blood flow to the reproductive organs of the body increases, leading to positive conception results.
Arthritis Healer – Yoga is a healer when it comes to rheumatoid arthritis, particularly iyengar yoga. Study has already proved that gentle yoga like bikram yoga does have benefits as arthritis allows slow movements.
Heart Attack – With heart disease yoga just works wonders, to say the least. Study has proved that doing yoga on regular basis improves hearth health, stamina and overall helps in reducing heart disease risk
Well, these are not the only health benefits that yoga offers, there are many more advantages of yoga that help you to lead a healthy lifestyle physically as well as mentally.
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*Sourced from the Internet