Microscopic Robots To Replace Doctors Sooner or Later?

Microscopic robots may seem a new phrase but we all are aware of nanotechnology, the word at least if not more. Now, nanometer is equal to one billionth of a meter and is smallest of the scales. It is apparently the size we consider for atoms and cells inside the body. We all know are body is made of millions of cells and atoms but when it comes to treatment, it happens on a greater scale. Cells or atoms are not even visible through the naked eye. So, nanotechnology works at the cellular level thus matching the levels at which our body cells or atoms work. Though, its not perfected as yet, we’ve certainly come out with a lot of solutions based on nanotechnology and are probably heading northward in the arena.

Microscopic Robots To Replace Doctors Sooner or Later

In layman’s language using nanotechnology, we can shrink the medical tools used for treating or intervention in the human body to the size of cells or atoms present inside. Using the right size tool will help intricate interventions with simplicity. Surgeries with complexities and involving heavy blood loss can be done away with using such a technology. There is a lot of scope to this technology, as per the researchers and experts in the field. Be it targeted drug treatment to treating critical illnesses like cancers, where nano scalpels are presently being used for damage repair of individual cells.

Furthermore, there is a possibility of improved biological sensors as well as disease diagnosis in the times to come. Just imagine subatomic robots just like a miniature army of soldiers getting into your body and fighting against the ailment to cure you off, that too without any major blood filled surgeries or incisions.

One of the examples on which researchers are presently working in some part of the world is ‘drug agnostic’. Consider a reservoir miniature in nature filled with a drug that needs to be delivered to a certain part of the body. All this needs to be done in a sustained linear way without using pumps, valves or any electrically powered tool. Its works through the nano channel delivery system (NDS). On the basis of the size of the drug molecules, the nano channel membranes are tailored and implanted below the skin. It then moves through the membranes into the patients body. As per the researchers, presently, the nano channel size is a barrier to its movement and lower the size to 2.5 nano meters would definitely help overcome the snag and also help control the drug delivery speed. Looking at the potential of this project a multi-million dollar grant has been already approved for the same.

Well, the use of microscopic robots for treatment is just at its infancy stage and a lot needs to be worked on yet, but positively it would take less than a decade to see it reach the operation theatres of hospitals and that’s definitely a good sign.

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