Monsoon and The Rise of Illness

The monsoons provide much-needed reprieve from the oppressive summer heat. Furthermore, they are a boon to agriculture since they raise the water levels in reservoirs. Despite the many benefits of the monsoon, it also brings a variety of illnesses. It is home to a slew of infections and health problems, ranging from an increase in cough, cold, and flu due to extreme temperature swings to viral fever and mosquito-borne diseases, among other things. Doctors at RajaRajeshwari Medical College and Hospital have compiled a list of the most frequent monsoon-related disorders and what you can do to avoid or lessen your chances of being ill this season.

Monsoon-Related Diseases And Prevention Tips

Many seasonal illnesses go undetected until they have a major impact on a person’s health. However, by exercising early detection and some easy preventive and hygiene practices, you may stay safe during India’s severe disease season. This is a list of monsoon diseases to be careful of during this muddy, rainy season:

Mosquito-borne diseases

Malaria, which is caused by a single-celled parasite called Plasmodium, is one of India’s primary health issues during the monsoon season. It is the breeding season for mosquitos (Anopheles minimus), which serve as hosts for this malaria-causing virus. This mosquito breeds in water channels and streams and causes a severe fever (up to 105 degrees Celsius) for several days.    Dengue-causing Mosquitoes of the genus Aedes aegypti breed in stagnant water (such as buckets, drums, flower pots, wells, and tree holes). These organisms have adapted to changing landscapes and growing urbanisation, and are now found in urban dwellings as well. Dengue fever takes four to seven days to develop after being bitten, and the initial symptoms are fever and exhaustion.    Chikungunya is a non-fatal viral disease produced by the Aedes albopictus mosquito. These mosquitoes breed in stagnant water and can attack you both at nightfall and during the day. Chikungunya, which means “bending up,” is named after its unique arthritic symptoms (pain in the joints and bones, stiffness).    

Prevention Tips

  • Use insect repellent creams, lotions
  • Keep polluted water from accumulating.
  • Use mosquito nets that have been treated with pesticide.

Water-borne Diseases

Gastro-intestinal infectionsCholeraTyphoidJaundice
The ingestion of stale, uncovered, or polluted food and drink causes gastrointestinal diseases such as vomiting, diarrhoea, and gastroenteritis. To avoid stomach infections, it is best to boil water before drinking it and keep all meals covered before eating them.    Cholera, which is also caused by inadequate sanitation and eating infected food, is accompanied by diarrhoea or loose movements.    Typhoid is a water-borne disease caused by the S. Typhi bacteria that spreads due to inadequate sanitation. The two most common causes of typhoid infection are consuming spoiled or unprotected food and drinking contaminated water. Fever, headache, joint pain, and a sore throat are among the symptoms.    Jaundice, a water-borne disease, is spread through contamination of food and water, as well as poor sanitation. It causes liver malfunction, as well as symptoms such as weakness and exhaustion, yellow urine, eye yellowing, and diarrhoea.    


  • Keep up with your personal hygiene.
  • After coughing or sneezing, before and after using the toilet, and before and after handling food, wash your hands at regular intervals.
  • Avoid eating from street vendors.
  • Consume only pure, filtered, and boiling water.

Air-borne Diseases

Cold and fluInfluenza
The most frequent viral infection, the common viral flu, is caused by shifts in temperature during the time of the monsoon. A weakened immune system makes us more susceptible to mild infections, which are accompanied by a runny nose, sore throat, watery eyes, fever, and chills.  Influenza, also known as the seasonal “flu,” is easily transmitted from person to person and is primarily conveyed through the air.        


  • Wash your hands thoroughly with disinfectant soap, or use alcohol-based hand sanitizers.
  • Avoid eating in public places.
  • When sneezing or coughing, cover your mouth.


Monsoon disorders can be brought on by a lack of sunlight and humid weather. Monsoon infections are conveyed through the air, water, or mosquito bites making it a note that we must take preventative measures. Monsoon disease prevention advice is straightforward and simple to use! Prevention is always preferable to cure. So, remain safe and have fun throughout the monsoon season. Pregnant women, small children, and babies are particularly prone to infectious infections and must be especially cautious. If you or a family member notices any symptoms of monsoon disease, contact your doctor immediately .

Health Tips For Women Above 40

As women age and surpass the middle age milestone called 40, even though age is just a number, practically the body does have to deal with certain issues that crop up as we enter this phase. So what can you do to keep your health in optimal condition? Here are few tips that might just help you out.

Health First – Many a times while keeping the family needs as a priority women forget to check on their health issues or ignore It most of the times. One needs to understand that only when one is healthy then only can they take care of their loved ones.

Health Tips For Women Above 40

Body Check – If you haven’t done a medical checkup its time. Once you hit 40 do it once every two to three years. Check for deficiencies in your body particularly Calcium, Vitamin D and B12. Vitamin D and Calcium are needed for strong bones and in your 40’s you require 1000mg of calcium and 400 to 800 UI of vitamin D every single day so either you have to switch to that sort of diet or go for supplements. The checks you need at this age include eye testing, BP test, Mole check, Mammogram, Glucose test Pap and pelvic test as well as thyroid. All these need to be done every 2 – 3 years approximately.

Exercise – Exercise is good for all but more so once you turn 40. You are aging and you need to exercise to stay fit. Kick start your day with strength training and see the change within 6 months. Just dedicate 30 minutes a day to it.

Diet Check – It’s time you revamp your diet and go for a balanced one which will help you cope with your deficiencies and keep your cholesterol levels under check. Having breakfast daily can help greatly against skipping it. A study reveals that over a period of time people who take good breakfast lose more weight than the ones who make breakfast their smallest meal. Get in a lot of protein as they are mood boosters and help you relieve yourself from poor memory, excessive thinking or depression.

Get good Sleep – Sleeping helps you reduce stress and hence a good sleep is important. Particularly women don’t care about it much and it ultimately takes a toll on their health. Also try to control your stress through meditation and yoga. This will help you stay fit physically and mentally.

Spend time with Girl Friends – Ya, you might be busy to the core but take out time to hangout with your girl buddies because it is found that women with socialization or hobby activities have less risk of heart disease or less blood pressure and diabetes issues.

RRMCH has got the best health checkup packages in Bangalore. You can check out the pricing packages of 4 plans available for all employees and individuals.

All You Need To Know About White Tongue

Known to cause a greyish- white coating on the tongue, this condition called White tongue is a common and generally harmless symptom that could indicate a serious condition. Rarely serious conditions like cancer causes white tongue.

White Tongue

Lack of Brushing of flossing or doing it in an improper way.
Lack of regular Tongue cleaning or doing it improperly.
Addictions like alcohol, smoking and chewing tobacco
Dry mouth that is a result of sleeping with open mouth or mouth breathing

Irritation due to sharp edges resulting form dentures or braces inside the mouth
Though there are certain conditions that are caused inspite of maintaining oral hygiene. These include conditions like oral thrush, Oral lichen planus and Leukoplakia.

Oral Thrush – This is a type of fungal infection caused by candida yeast. Patches develop on the tongue and mouth. White or off white in color, they can be painful and also have unpleasant taste. Oral thrush usually occurs in people with low immunity or those who have undergone a recent chemotherapy treatment or taken antibiotics. Some other causes include inhalation of asthma related medications like corticosteroids and diabetes.
Treatment – Anti-fungal medicines like oral drops are used for its treatment for a couple of weeks.

Syphillis – Also known as sexually transmitted condition (STI), if left untreated it can lead to white tongue as well as mouth sores.
Treatment – Pencillin is used for its treatment for reducing the disease causing bacteria

Oral Lichen Planus – An inflammatory condtion, Oral Lichen planus causes white patches thick in the mouth and on the tongue accompanied with painful cheek, gums as well as ulcers.
Treatment – Generally monitored but in serious cases croticosteriods are used.

Leukoplakia – This condition is a result of addictions caused by irritants like alcohol and tobacco or even due to dentures. They are harmless mostly but still a diagnosis is important to check out the rare possibility of complications.
Treatment – Continuous monitoring to avoid it from spreading further

Home Remedies
There are a few home based remedies that can help you fight the condition. These include use of probiotic foods like kimchi, konbucha and more, using baking soda while brushing teath and tongue cleaning. Consumption of raw garlic and scraping tongue properly for removal of bacteria.

The best possible solution is maintaining proper oral hygiene backed with regular oral checkups other than that it is not always possible to get away from it.

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Worlds Breastfeeding Week – RRMCH Bangalore

RRMCH, Department of Pediatrics celebrated the “Worlds Breast Feeding Week” from 1st Aug 2017 to 7th Aug 2017.

World breast feeding week 2017 has been observed in department, under the guidance of Dr. Adarsh, Prof and HOD, Department of pediatrics RRMCH. We also celebrated one year anniversary of our Human Milk Bank.

Worlds Breast Feeding Week

1st August 2017 we had inauguration of world breastfeeding week in pediatric OPD at 11am. Started with lighting of the lamp from Dr. Govindaraju, Medical Superintendent, Dr. Adarsh, prof and HOD of pediatrics, Dr. R.Prema, Professor of Pediatrics, Dr. Shashikala, Prof and HOD of community medicine, Dr. Nagarathanna ,Prof and HOD of OBG, RRMCH.

02nd August 2017, we went to the community camp in rural health training centre in Chunchunkuppe. We organized programme for the breastfeeding mother in our community health centre. We shared the thoughts with mothers regarding breastfeeding and importance of it, Dr. Sahana Associate Professor and Dr. Yashitha Junior Resident, narrated about the theme “A Sustaining breastfeeding together” to the mothers.

03rd of august 2017 we conducted the quiz competition regarding the breast feeding for postgraduates of pediatrics, OBG,P&SM and medical students of our college, there was tough competition between all 5teams, and the winners were Dr. Vidhi and Dr. Apoorva from department of pediatrics.

4th August 2017, we had collage competition regarding the breastfeeding for medical students and nursing students, Out of 5 teams participated in the competition nursing students were emerged as winner.

5th August 2017, we oriented the mothers in PNC regarding the importance of Breastfeeding. We also narrated about the theme “A Sustaining breastfeeding together” to the mothers. Our breastfeeding counselor S/n Thayimudamma demonstrated the techniques of breast feeding and had interaction session.

7th August 2017 the breastfeeding awareness skit was presented by 3 groups from community medicine, 7th term medical Students and Nursing Students participated.
We conclude the programme, World breastfeeding week 2017 with great success.

We celebrated ORS day on 29 July 2017, programme was conducted in our OPD and pediatric wards to highlight the importance of Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) and its significance in the treatment of dehydration.

Excessive loss of fluids and electrolytes in the body causes dehydration. Conditions like vomiting, diarrhea, and diseases which cause diarrhea such as bacterial or viral infection, cholera, food poisoning, unhygienic feeding practices can increase the chances of dehydration.

Dr. Adarsh, Prof and HOD had inaugurated the programme. We created the awareness programme in parents and distributed the ORS to the children.

This programme helped the parents to know more about dehydration difficulties and how to prevent the problem.

We gave a demo on How to make the ORS drink which is available in powder form?

1.Put the contents of the ORS packet in a clean container. Check the packet for directions and add the amount of clean water as indicated. Too little water could make the diarrhea worse.

2.Add water only. Do not add ORS to milk, soup, fruit juice or any soft drinks. Do not add sugar.

3.Stir well, and feed it to the child from a clean cup. Do not use a bottle.


ORS Day is celebrated every year on 29th July to highlight the importance of Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) as a cost-effective method of health intervention. Acute diarrhoeal diseases are one of the leading causes of mortality in infants and young children in many developing countries. According to WHO, Diarrhoeal disease is the second leading cause of death in children under five years old. Diarrhoea, which is frequently caused by poor sanitation and hygiene, can have serious, even deadly results, typically as a result of diarrhoea-related dehydration. It particularly affects infants, children and old people. Diarrhoea generally lasts for several days, and leaves the body without water and salts that are necessary for survival. Most people who die from diarrhoea actually die from severe dehydration and fluid loss from the body.

Dehydration from diarrhoea can be prevented by giving extra fluids at home, or it can be treated simply and effectively by giving adequate glucose-electrolyte solution called Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) solution. ORS Jodi (ORS and Zinc) has proven to be successful in the prevention and management of acute diarrhoea and dehydration. Oral rehydration salts contain a variety of salts (electrolytes) and sugar. The combination of electrolytes and sugar stimulates water and electrolyte absorption from the gut. It therefore prevents or reverses dehydration and replaces lost salts in conditions such as diarrhoea and vomiting.ORS is available in the market in a powder form in sachets/ readymade solutions or one can also easily make it at home as well.

All we need to know:
How to make the ORS drink which is available in powder form?

4.Put the contents of the ORS packet in a clean container. Check the packet for directions and add the amount of clean water as indicated. Too little water could make the diarrhea worse.

5.Add water only. Do not add ORS to milk, soup, fruit juice or any soft drinks. Do not add sugar.

6.Stir well, and feed it to the child from a clean cup. Do not use a bottle.

World Breastfeeding Week is an annual celebration which is being held every year from 1to 7 August in many countries all over the world and since past three years ADK Hospital has continued the celebration of this week. World Breastfeeding week is celebrated with the goal to promote exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life which gives tremendous benefits to baby as well as to the mother.

The World Health Organization (WHO), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life and then supplemented breastfeeding up to two years or more.

Theme for World Breastfeeding Week 2016 is “A Key to Sustainable Development”, which is focusing on the importance of breastfeeding and promote breastfeeding as key element in getting us to think about how to value our wellbeing from the start of life, how to respect each other and care for the world we share.

Below are the activities initiated by nurses in ADK Hospital for celebrating world breastfeeding week 2016.

  • Breastfeeding refresher workshop for nurses- 1st – 2nd August
  • Visit postnatal inpatients for breastfeeding counseling – 1st – 7th August
  • Display posters & breastfeeding week theme at Information Counter- 1st – 7th August
  • Inauguration of breastfeeding booklet & leaflet – 2nd August
  • Visit postnatal mothers who are planned to get discharged from hospital to give breastfeeding counseling – 3rd August
  • Breastfeeding quiz between inter-nursing units – 4th August
  • Session on breastfeeding for antenatal, postnatal mothers & for ADK staff – 6th August
  • Breastfeeding committee launching – 7th August

Department of Paediatrics at RRMCH ,Well equipped department with skilled pediatrician teaching staff and state of the art ICU care

Inauguaration of Rajarajeswari Centre For Diabeties in Children

Center for Diabetes in Children was inaugurated at the pediatric OPD block of RRMCH on 8/9/17. This centre caters to all children with diabetes with a multidisciplinary approach. This centre provides free insulin, glucometer and glucometer strips on a regular basis for underprivileged children with TIDM. It gives an opportunity to monitor the compliance to medication for all children. The centre also impacts education towards management of diabetes along with nutritional advice. This is a part of the project named “Changing Diabetes in Children” which is a global initiative. The centre at RRMCH is named as Rajarajeswari’s centre for Diatbetes in Children (RCDIC) which will be coordinated by Dr. R.Prema.

The Chairman A.C. Shanmugam has not left any stone unturned in providing services to the poor and needy and this adds another feather to his cap. Similarly last year Human Milk Bank, the first of its kind in Karnataka was opened to cater the needs of neonates till the mothers can recover enough milk.
To commemorate the opening of this centre, Department of Pediatrics, RRMCH, has organized a CME on changing diabetes in children helping all doctors understand the detailed and latest management of such children. Also an elaborate nutritional exhibition which throws much light and knowledge on nutritional aspects of TIDM including carbohydrate counts and glycemic index which is apt for today’s modern children’s lifestyle was displayed. This impacted practical knowledge of eating the right food. During CME our chairman Sri A.C. Shanmugham has promised to provide infrastructure and investigations including treatment for underprivileged children with Type 1 diabetes in pediatric ward.

The program was huge success with more than 200 doctors attending and the awareness of nutrition imbibed by them.

Dr. Adarsh E
Prof and HOD
Department of Pediatrics RRMCH

How Do Deal With The Headache Called Dandruff

Dandruff is a common condition amongst us and yes it is a headache of sorts when its about dealing with this devil of a kind called dandruff. Primarily, it keeps coming back and secondarily it many times becomes difficult find an ultimate solution to the problem, causing headache. So, let us discuss out a reliable solution that can really cure our headache of dandruff and help us manage it well.

How Do Deal With The Headache Called Dandruff

Dandruff or Flaky Scalp – Now, many of us are not able to figure out what we have actually got on our heads, is it dandruff or a flaky scalp. Dandruff occurs after an overreaction of yeast resulting into excess production of oil. As a result you experience irritation and get visible waxy and oily flakes. Besides, even skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis can also cause flaky scalps. Everyday stress, aging and an improper diet is also responsible for flakiness in the scalp.

Actually, to figure out how do deal with dandruff or a flaky scalp you need to visit a dermatologist first and get diagnosed. The remedies would depend on the condition and the severity. Here are some tips on getting rid of flakiness in scalp.

Tea Tree Oil – We all know that tea tree oil is used in many skin related products and health foods due to its vitamin content and use as an astringent on skin. It also works well in providing relief against oil and itchiness.

Balanced Diet – Many a times nutrient deficiences lead to scalp issues. These deficiences are caused to do an improper diet schedule. If you are consuming high amount of trans and saturated fats, its high time your do away with it or atleast reduce it to a bare minimum because they are the ones that trigger your sebaceous glands to produce more oil. Foods like avocados, safflower oil, olives and nuts are very good for your scalp health.

Stress Relief – Dandruff has also caused due to severe stress. Stress tends to weaken you immune system and the body is not able to fight the dandruff attack. According to some experts stress could also cause an itchy dandruff cycle which keeps on aggravating as you keep on scratching. Therefore, it is advisable to work on solutions or remedies that help reduce stress levels. Some of these include walking, jogging, exercise, yoga, meditation or pursuing a hobby regularly.

Using Appropriate Shampoo – Buying shampoos just watching ads and trying one after the other is okay but its also better that you try to find out the ingredients inside the shampoo which are usually mentioned on pack. The three main ingredients to look for in an anti-dandruff or scalp care shampoo is ketoconazole which helps reduce scalp yeast, selenium sulphide or zince pyrithione which helps reduce inflammation and certain bacterias besides yeast and salicylic acid, which helps in exfoliaton of scales.

Steriods – Your deramtologist could prescribe your certain relevant topical steriods for reducing scalp inflammation

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Dementia Risk and Blood Magnesium Levels

Before we talk about risk factors associated with dementia lets just polish our information around the condition. This condition usually occurs at an older age and causes memory loss. Alzheimers is one of the most common forms of dementia known. Apparently, its not a condition by a symptoms or group of symptoms rather. You should also know that it does hamper our day to day routines because we tend to forget a lot. Dementia symptoms are also caused due to vitamin deficiencies and thyroid problems. Dementia occurs due to brain cell damage and most of them are generally permanent or increase with time.

Dementia Risk and Blood Magnesium Levels

Now, a study has found out that the levels of magnesium in your blood can associated to the risk of dementia later in life. The people with lower or higher levels of minerals in the body were subject to dementia more compared to the ones with middle levels. It has yet to be proved and nowhere confirm that it causes dementia but definitely magnesium levels do have a link with dementia. There are apparently two ways in which magnesium levels could be called as risk factor for dementia.

Coming back to the study, around 10,000 participant around 65 years of age were studied across 8 years span and their magnesium levels were checked at the beginning of the test. They were divided in 5 groups. The study findings showed that those with low and high level magnesium had 30% greater risk of dementia compared to mid level magnesium level participants. The lower and higher magnesium range is below 0.85 millimoles per liter and 1.10 mmol/L respectively. Though as the magnesium levels were not measure post eight years the results could have associated limitations.

Well, to prove that magnesium levels do determine the risk of dementia in later stages of life, further detailed study is required.

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Diabetes and Yeast Infections – An Overview

There is certainly a relation between yeasts and diabetes and most logically it is sugar that relates yeast infections to diabetes. Yeast are generally found growing near mucous membranes around the skin. When there is a build up of yeast, it is called yeast infection. As yeast feeds on sugar and diabetics tend to sweat, pee and secrete a lot of mucus due to high glucose levels, automatically inviting yeasts to build on and cause yeast infections. The areas where yeast grow rapidly are those with warm temperatures typically under skin folds and breasts, mouth and around genitals.

Diabetes and Yeast Infections

The most common of the yeast infections with women is the vaginal infection and generally occurs in people suffering from diabetics that is not under proper control. When the diabetes is not controlled properly, it also effects the immune system adversely. Apparently, it suppresses the growth of immune proteins known as beta defensins, responsible for killing microbes.

Furthermore, even after treatment, there is high possibility of re-occurrence of the infection in people with poorly controlled diabetes. This is because after colonization of the yeast in a particular area, its becomes easy for yeast to re-attack. The extra sugar levels in diabetics helps in colonization on the yeast and makes it easy for other pathogens to stick to mucous gland and skin cells as well.

The doctor asks for vaginal secretion sample test to confirm the vaginal yeast infection. The microscopical review of the sample is carried out for confirmation of Candida fungus in abnormal amounts. Sometimes even urine samples are tested.

Most of the doctors prescribe anti-fungal creams that can be easily applied to the affected area. These creams are usually available over the counter. Only when creams aren’t effective is when doctors prescribe a dose of anti-fungal medication.

Home Remedies
Alternatively, home remedies like using oregano oil, yogurt, over the counter creams, coconut or tea tree oil for treating yeast infection are commonly tried.

Prevention is always a better idea, and particularly for diabetics, wherein there is high possibility of yeast infection to reoccur. But, certain precautionary measures can help you keep the yeast infection at bay. This includes keeping body and genital dry, using clean cotton under garments and perfumed pads of good quality. As far as diet supplements are concerned, eating yogurt on a daily basis helps a lot.

Though, treating the root cause would definitely help you the most so try keeping your glucose levels under control to prevent the complications that arise due to the same.

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It has been known that Lungs are involved in facilitating respiration but a recent study on mice has discovered that they play a far more complex role in bodies of mammals. This role involves production of 10 million platelets or tiny blood cells every hour, which is equal to the platelets majority in animal circulation.


The researchers in California University also found out that the blood stem cells in the lung tissue responsible for the same were wrongly presumed to be located inside the bone marrow. This only proves the significance of the lungs and that their role isn’t restricted only to respiration and play an important role in blood formation.

Earlier, it was assumed that the majority of the cells responsible for blood production belong inside the bone marrow but contradicting the earlier research findings, the news ones show that most of the platelet forming cells known as the mega karyoctes function from inside the lung tissue and more importantly are responsible of production of majority of the body’s platelets.

Now, earlier the researchers did not have the technology but with the advent of two photon intra-vital imaging that involves the process of insertion of a substance known as green fluorescent protein (GFP) in the genome of the mouse. After the insertion, the platelets strated emitting bright green fluorescence while moving around the body in real time. This helped the team determine their movement path, which wasn’t possible earlier. This is when it was revealed that most of the platelets population resided inside the lung tissue and produced megakaryocytes. Also, the production was found to be around 10 million platelets per hour in mice lungs. This automatically proves that almost half of the platelet production was carried out inside the lungs.

Though, the fascinating part about the discovery is that the mega karyoctes originate in the bone marrow, then travel to the lungs and then start producing platelets. Though, a human replication is yet to be done, none the less it makes a strong case for the functioning of the lungs.

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Carpediem 2k17 – Medical College in Bangalore

The most awaited medical fest of 2017 ‘CARPE DIEM 2K17’ concluded a few days back on April 10, 2017. It saw high participation from students across the rrmch fraternity. A mixed bag of competitions, games, sports quizzes and entertainment, the week long fiesta included jams, short films, dum charades, dance, treasure hunt, singing, sketching, face painting, mehandi, cooking without fire and umpteen exciting activities.

The event was inagurated on April 3, 2017 at the RRMCH cricket ground and witnessed the presence of RRGI Chairman, Sri A C Shanmugam, Execuitve Director Mr S Vijayanand, CEO- Mr C N Seetharam, RRMCH Dean, Principal, Medical Suprintendant and Medical Director.

Students and staff put in their best to make the event a grand success and the results are for us to see. The event has garnered significant eyeballs right from the beginning till the end. RRMCH extends its gratitude to all the participants and support staff for their enthusiasm and vigor. RRMCH also congratulates all the winners for their stupendous performances across activities.

All in all, the CARPEDIEM medical FEST 2017 has been a grand success and we look forward to many more such recreational events in the coming years.