Madarosis – A Condition That Causes Hair Loss of Eyelashes and Eyebrows

A condition that is as rare as one in 500 people suffering from it, is the condition called Madarosis, that leads to loss of hair of the eyelash and eyebrows. The term was initially coined only for loss of eye lashes but now it is used even for loss of hair of the eyebrow. Known to generally not cause scars this condition can lead to hair loss of one or both eyebrows, but in rare cases it could lead to scarring as well. Madarosis also known to be an alert for complex body diseases both complex body and dermatological.

Also, the role of eyelashes is to protect the eyes from foreign bodies and eyebrows of to protect eye’s bony ridges and hence is critical to the health of the eye.


The preliminary symptoms is that the eyelashes turn brittle leading to eyelash fall. The symptoms include eyelid itching and burning sensation as well as swelling, thinning as well as hair loss from other parts of the body.

The condition is said to be caused due to many other underlying diseases and health conditions like Trauma, Burns, Psychiatric condition called trichotillomania, eyelid infection like syphilis, leprosy or herpes, chronic blepharitis and eyelid neoplasm. Even genetic conditions like ichthyosiform erythroderma, ehlers-danlos syndrome, cryptophthalmos as well as ectodermal dysplasia are known to cause madarosis

The doctor examines the patient physically and checks the scalp, eyebrows and eyelids as well as facial skin. The tests done for the same include skin skin scrapping for fungal infection diagnosis, skin swab for bacterial infections diagnosis, dermoscopy for skin examination with the help of a magnifier as well as blood tests.

The treatment is based on diagnosis and includes the use of medications, borax for infections, biotin supplements for hair repair, cosmetic treatment like eyebrow tattoos, artificial eyebrows, to name a few.

Home-remedies like opting for a protein rich diet, care with doing and choosing makeup and use of castor oil on the eyebrows and eyelashes could help you get rid of infections.


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*Sourced from the Internet

Side Effects Of Sunscreen Lotions

Sunscreens are a common household commodity today in India. With temperatures in India soaring across its length and breadth during summers and generally across the year in most of the regions, sunscreen is generally used by many of us for protection against the scorching sun.

But, like every coin has two sides to it, even sunscreens come with their share of pros and cons. So, let us run down the brighter side of the product and the flip side as well.

They help protect the skin from sun, control aging and prevent sunburns. They also decrease the risk of cancers and reactions caused due to certain medications. The protective layer formed with sunscreens absorbs or reflects the radiations and does not allow them to penetrate deep inside the skin.

Though, for optimum effect sunscreens need to be applied properly. In general, 30 grams of cream is enough for covering the entire body. The cream needs to be applied 30 minutes before exposure to sun and needs to be reapplied every 2 hours. Sunscreens can used for people of 1 year and above and is not recommended for infants.

Vitamin D Deficiency – A recent study has found that use of sunscreens on a regular basis leads to deficiency of vitamin D. The people who use highly protective sunscreens are more liable to develop deficiency of vitamin D. Already, people spend most of their time indoors than outdoors and now the sunscreen when outdoors, so its about zeros the Vitamin D availability to the body almost.

Additionally, Sunscreens can also cause side effects such as redness of skin, skin irritation and also increase the risk of breast cancer with one of its chemicals does effect the blood estrogen levels. It can also cause red spots or red itchy rashes on skin besides eye irritation.

Having said that, it does not mean that we stop using sunscreen. But, moderate exposures to sun is a good idea while using sun screens to protect skin from harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun that may cause skin cancer.

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