Corona Virus – Facts Overview

As the corona virus or Wuhan virus scare is catching like wild fire and as the number of infected people across the world. The cases in china are about to reach 15000 and over 300 people are said to be already affected. The virus is on the spread across the world as it is highly contagious and the UN has already declared it as a medical emergency. While the world is on high alert and is also flown out their nationals from the country, the clouds of this virus causing a havoc are already mounting. Here are a few tips to keep the corona virus infection at bay.

  1. Wash your hands with soap and water on regular basis or with alcohol based disinfectant
  2. While sneezing or coughing cover your mouth with a tissue or hand
  3. Avoid close contact with people suffering from cold or flu like symptoms
  4. Do not eat under cooked meat or eggs
  5. Avoid contact with farm animals or the wild
  6. Stay indoors at home when sick
  7. Clean all objects and surfaces that are dirty or touched
  8. Avoid touching your mouth, eyes or hands with dirty hands
  9. Use a mask whenever outdoor
  10. Always carry a disinfectant along when outdoor

There’s also a debate around the transfer of the virus without showing symptoms. While the Germans are firm that asymptomatic transmission is possible, nothing is yet officially conveyed.

Well, as the cases in China keep exploding as the days pass by, the risk of it spreading across continents is always there. As of now the process of developing a vaccine for controlling the virus is on but it might take almost a year before it comes to the pharmacy. Until then, prevention is the only way out. So, stay safe and clean to keep the condition out of harm’s way.

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Genetic Components Related To Left Handedness – A Study

A recent study by scientists reveals about regions of the Human DNA and their association with left handedness. These regions are connected to the brains language related features. An earlier study around handedness had revealed that genes were responsible for 25% of it but the type or name of the genes was unknown.

In India and across the world there were has been a lot of stigma and taboo around being left handed. But, today rarely anyone is of the belief or even discriminates between left and right handed people.

10% of the population in the world is known to be left handed and also includes many well-known individuals like Alert Einstein and Leonardo da Vinci amongst them.

The recent study was published in the journal ‘Brain’ and involved the participation of 40,000 people including 38000 left handed ones. After doing the genetic analysis, the researchers found that it was the DNA regions that linked to left handedness strongly.

As per the researchers the three regions are inside or are responsible for protein code of brain development and patterning. Proteins play a significant role in making microtubules which are scaffolding like building block and are responsible for guiding cell construction.

Microtubules are made up of long chained molecules making up the physical structure of the cells throughout the body also known as cytoskeleton and have the ability to respond to cell singals by quickly assembling and disassembling.

The scientists did study brain scan details of 9000 participants after analyzing their DNA samples. The findings indicate that in left handed people right and left side for brain that deals with language coordinate in a better way compared to right handed ones. These findings thus pave the path for getting deeper into finding if left handed people are better in tasks that involve verbal communication compared to the right handed ones.

Well, as per Gwenaelle Dououad, associate professor at the Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging that it was apparently for the first time that they had been able to establish that in humans the handedness is linked to cytoskeletal differences in the brain.

*Sourced from Internet

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Know About The Vital Screening Test That You Could Ignore!

In the times when pesticides and carcinogenic stuff has become a daily part of our life and is laying the path for different types of cancers, preventive screenings can help a lot in catching cancer in time and improving the quality of life.

Today people are very much aware about preventive screenings at an early age but due to lack of time and hectic work schedules and other priorities you tend to ignore a few. Definitely, people are taking cancer screenings seriously.

Vital Screening Test

One such condition is Osteoporosis. In this condition the body loses a lot of bone and makes very less or sometimes it could be both together. In Osteoporosis, bones become brittle. They could break even if there is a simple fall or at times even due to sneezing.

As per health experts early detection and intervention can help you curb the progression of the condition with the help of medicines as well as required life style changes. To detect osteoporosis, you need to go through the bone mineral density (BMD) test.

The diagnosis can help you detect the condition, the risk factors as well as the tracking over the course of your treatment. The test that is commonly taken and is painless in nature is the Central DXA test or the Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry test similar to X-ray. This test is recommended for the 65 and above women. As of now age based recommendations are not there for men. As per the NIH below 65 women who are at the risk of fracture also need to get tested.

Risk factors include low body weight, genes, early menopause, addictions like smoking and rheumatoid arthritis disorder. People with family history of osteoporosis are at the risk of getting it early on in their 40’s. So, thinking that osteoporosis can only occur post 65 years is not apparently true.

Well, get a little more aware and serious around some conditions that might not be life threatening but still vital because it could affect quality of life by getting you into painful problems.

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*Sourced from the Internet