Exercise Your Way To Reduce Depression

A First of its kind study has revealed that physical activity can aid in reducing depression even if there is a higher genetic risk. The study was carried out by author Karmel Choi, Ph.D and her colleagues at the Massachusetts General Hospital of Boston. They used the electronic and genomic data records of 8000 participants in Partners biobank for the study. The study was spread across 2 years wherein the lead author Choi and his team studied through millions of data points in order to look into people having any depression related diagnosis.

They also calculated the genetic risk score for every participant by combining information around every participant complete genome to come to score that determines their genetic risk for developing depression. The data also revealed that people with high genetic risk score could be diagnosed about it anytime in the coming 2 years. But, those who were active physically even with higher genetic risk of depression were less likely to experience depression.

As per Choi an average 35 minutes of exercise on a daily basis could help you reduce the risk of depression and even protect you against depression bouts in future. The findings of the study Choi said that “our findings strongly suggest that, when it comes to depression, genes are not destiny and that being physically active has the potential to neutralize the added risk of future episodes in individuals who are genetically vulnerable”.

Well, exercise is always a good idea because it is useful and sparing out 30 to 35 minutes for yourself every day is the least you could do for your own wellness. A fit body definitely helps to keep you mind fit. So, invest in exercising atleast half and hour a day and you’ll see the difference in your overall fitness levels soon.

“The department of physiotherapy was established in 2003 at RajaRajeswari Medical College and Hospital to cater to the preventive, creative, therapeutic and rehabilitation needs of the rural people need was felt to impart the much needed physiotherapy vocational and rehabilitation training programme. “