Sports Hobbies For Middle Aged Women – Benefits

A study around post-menopausal women published in the journal Frontiers in Endocrinology reveals that physical activity that involves sports in leisure time helps in managing the blood lipid profile well, thus reducing cardiovascular conditions as blood lipid profile is a market of heart conditions.

As per Karvinen and his team, after menopause the risk of cardiovascular conditions increases significantly in women and lipid profile is a reliable marker to measure heart health. He and his colleagues investigated around 193 menopausal women participants of the age group 47-55 from Finland, registered for the Estrogenic Regulation of Muscle Apoptosis (ERMA) study. The study is co-authored by Dr Mathew Jergenson of Minnesota Medical School and University in Minneapolis. The reason behind conducting the study as per him was to explore if physical activity did have a role in cardiovascular risk factors.

He says “It is well known that physical activity has health benefits, yet it is less clear to what extent physical activity prevents negative changes in lipid profile while women are in their menopausal transition. The participants were monitored for physical activity levels in leisure time, generally and specifically also, using accelerometers and had to answer questions as well.

Leisure is the time that is not related to routine daily work be it housework or commuting and includes sport or recreation activities in free time.

The researchers found out that there was indeed a connection between more activities during leisure time and lowering of cholesterol levels particularly (LDL) as well as with high levels of cholesterol (HDL). Karvin reports that indeed the leisure time physical activities were related to healthy lipid profiles. But, that does not mean that the negative changes in lipid profile during menopause can be fully done away with due to leisure time sports activities.

The author also said that leisure time physical activities will underscore the adverse atherogenic changes in the cardiovascular risk factors in middle aged women who are healthy. Hence, sport related activities in leisure are good.

*Sourced from Internet

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Do You Legs Pain All Night? Know Why

Many of us experience leg pain at night. But, ever thought about the reasons behind it. Many of us should have and many should have not. So, if you are also amongst the ones who do experience leg pain at night on a regular basis and have been ignoring it or just bearing it through, here are a few reasons that could be the reason, perhaps.

Do You Legs Pain All Night

1. Deficiency of vital nutrients
Many of us never know if our diet is a balanced one of not. With a hectic life schedule and not time for to spare towards caring for health besides a diet that is more of junk and less of nutrient rich food, deficiency of vital nutrients like calcium, potassium and magnesium as well as Vitamin D can lead to leg pain.

2. Dehydration
Nocturnal leg pain is also known to be caused due to dehydration. Due to the electrolyte imbalance in blood, it can lead to nocturnal cramps. So keep yourself hydrated throughout the day and even if you tend to wake up at night stay hydrated.

3. Standing long hours
Standing for long hours can lead to leg pain at night. The reason is that standing for along time tends to accumulate the blood and water in your lower body causing fluid imbalance and cramping.

Health Conditions
If you are suffering from other health conditions that you are not aware of then, you could be having leg pain due to the same.

As you age your bones become weak and nocturnal leg pain is pretty common then. It is after 50 years that you may start experiencing this condition because you start losing neurons and get frequent cramps due to it.

Well, health is wealth and ignoring it can lead to an irreversible or life threatening damage to the body. So, if you are experiencing the symptoms get yourself checked and do the needful. Why compromise on quality of life.

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Lower Back Pain vs Kidney Pain – The Difference

Many of us fail to figure out the difference when we experience pain particularly when its either kidney or lower back pain. So, to begin get down to the definition of lower back pain and kidney pain.

It’s called lower back pain when it occurs anywhere from the buttocks upto the lower back. While kidney pain is said to occur between the hips or flanks and the ribs. At times you may experience it in the upper abdominal region as well. Well, this is the basic difference in back pain and kidney pain but otherwise also there are many other difference that can help you figure out which kind of pain you are suffering from. Here’s a sneak peek into a few other differences between kidney pain and lower back pain.


Kidney Pain
Kidney pain is the result of a kidney infection or a kidney stone usually. Kidney infection can cause mild pain but kidney stone pain is very severe in nature and often compared to labor pain.

The causes of kidney pain include kidney infection and kidney stones as mentioned before besides the pain could also be a result of renal infarction, kidney cancer and glomerulonephritis.

Lower Back Pain
Lower back pain is further divided as acute pain and chronic pain. While acute pain lasts for around 4 to 12 weeks, chronic back pain can easily last over 12 weeks. Also known as lumbago it affects people of all age groups.

Lower back pain is a result of muscle sprain, spasm or tear leading to disc bulge or herniation, spinal stenosis, osteoporosis or sciatica. It could also be due to vertebral body, pedicle fracture or fracture of lamina. It can be caused due to Paravertebral muscle spasm or metastatic vertebral cancer.

Pain Management
Kidney Pain – Kidney pain treatment depends of its causes and usually involves use of antibiotics and medications if its infection but in case of kidney stones if that does not work a laser surgery or a minimally invasive surgery could be carried out.

Back Pain – For relief against lower back pain issues treatment could include suitable therapies like heat and cold, physical and massage therapies to name a few. In case with complications based on the diagnosis surgical procedures might be advised.

Well, its always advisable to visit your doctor if you suffer from back pain in order to figure out the root cause of the problem, be it kidney or lower back.

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5 Supplements Women Need After 30

Many a times, lost in responsibilities around office or home, family or kids women forget about personal health or keep ignoring them. Till women are in the twenties, body is younger and fitter and hence copes in a better way. But, post 30 as you are nearly knocking door of your middle age, is when you really need to look into your bodily needs.
After 30 there are a lot of changes that occur in a women’s body and are more visible after 35 years of age. These include changes in menstrual cycles, urinary incontinence, fibroids, pregnancy difficulties, prominent signs of aging, slow metabolism, but to name a few.

5 Supplements Women Need After 30As per experts and specialists supplements can work well in maintaining the balance of nutrients required by the body.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D as we all know helps in a lot of ways that include immunity building, genes regulation, cancer prevention, bone health and more. The best, easy and affordable source of Vitamin D is sunlight. Sitting in the sunlight with minimal clothing for an hour can work well for your body. If not than Vitamin D supplements is the alternative.

Anti- Oxidants
It is in the mid or late thirties that women start noticing fine lines as well as thinning of skin. But, this process of aging can be slowed down with the help for a few minerals and vitamins together known as anti-oxidants. In order to boost immunity besides slowing aging women need to take in atleast 15 mg of Vitamin E. Further taking in 75 mg of Vitman C, which facilitates in vitamin E absorption and Vitamin A for protection against sun damage and eye

Omega 3 fatty acids/ fish oil
As per doctors, our body needs 3 gms of omega 3 fatty acids per day. These help in keeping our joints health, weight management, keeping our blood fats normal and optimizing brain function. As these are essential fats and our body cannot make them taking mercury free supplements are advisable.

Calcium, Magnesium & Iron
Calcium and magnesium help in bone building as well as producing energy and for better nerve functioning. Iron is also an essential nutrient responsible for keeping you active and protecting against infections as well as maintaining body temperature. As per experts our body requires about 18 mg per day. Though a pregnant and nursing women requires 27 mg and 9 mg per day respectively. Vitamin C and A help a lot in iron absorption.

As a busy woman, you might be occupied with umpteen activities around house, kids and family but its your health that equally matters so do take care of your health as well.

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Artificial Limbs That Respond To Thoughts – A Reality That Costs A Fortune

Over the years, scientists have been working on prosthetic limbs that can respond to human thoughts. These projects have been heavily funded by many organizations and defense agencies across the world. A significant development in the direction has now led to the creation of the first ever prosthetic limb that responds to human thoughts much like a real limb.

Artificial Limbs That Respond To Thoughts

Earlier, there was news about creation of prosthetic limbs that respond to thoughts but their movement was quite limited and hence, people in need either abandoned them or never preferred to use them. But, as per the doctor of Imperial college London, the new approach which shifts their focus from the muscles to the nervous system has helped them create a limb that responds to thoughts effectively.

According to him, their technology helps them detect and decode the signals clearly. The experiments and testing have been carried out with amputee volunteers and after physiotherapy they have been able to make more extensive movements.

Today, a lot of research scientists are already working and testing bionic arms. There is already and alternative of using brain implants available. But, the benefit of using the nerve from the spine is the compatibility factor, making it usable with existing prosthetic arms that too wire free linking from the brain, as per the researchers at Imperial College of London.

Another example is that of a thought controlled prosthetic being developed at the John Hopkins University, USA. It is being tested on a 50 plus amputee who lost his limbs in an electrical accident as a teenager. It is yet to be clinically tested and find a place in the market. The limbs are called Modular Prosthetic Limbs or MPL and the customer socket inside brain can pick up brain signals that control the arms. Thus, just by thinking the amputee is able to move the limb or limbs. To do the same, the amputee had to undergo a surgery for remapping the remaining nerves of his/her missing arms so that the brain could send signals to the prosthetic. As per the chief engineer at John Hopkins, with the remapping growing deeper, the working will better because of the over 100 sensors fitted in the arm. Another advantage of MPL being its modular design. This design helps in creating prosthetic limbs customized as per individual requirements.

Having said that, as on day MPL costs a bomb, as much as a Maserati car to be precise. Well, scientists are yet to work on a budget prosthetic, affordable to people in need. experts at John Hopkins are also working on creating caps that send signals about brain activity to the robotic arm. As for the market availability, they do hope to make the MPL available to the consumers within a few years.