Many a times, lost in responsibilities around office or home, family or kids women forget about personal health or keep ignoring them. Till women are in the twenties, body is younger and fitter and hence copes in a better way. But, post 30 as you are nearly knocking door of your middle age, is when you really need to look into your bodily needs.
After 30 there are a lot of changes that occur in a women’s body and are more visible after 35 years of age. These include changes in menstrual cycles, urinary incontinence, fibroids, pregnancy difficulties, prominent signs of aging, slow metabolism, but to name a few.
As per experts and specialists supplements can work well in maintaining the balance of nutrients required by the body.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D as we all know helps in a lot of ways that include immunity building, genes regulation, cancer prevention, bone health and more. The best, easy and affordable source of Vitamin D is sunlight. Sitting in the sunlight with minimal clothing for an hour can work well for your body. If not than Vitamin D supplements is the alternative.
Anti- Oxidants
It is in the mid or late thirties that women start noticing fine lines as well as thinning of skin. But, this process of aging can be slowed down with the help for a few minerals and vitamins together known as anti-oxidants. In order to boost immunity besides slowing aging women need to take in atleast 15 mg of Vitamin E. Further taking in 75 mg of Vitman C, which facilitates in vitamin E absorption and Vitamin A for protection against sun damage and eye
Omega 3 fatty acids/ fish oil
As per doctors, our body needs 3 gms of omega 3 fatty acids per day. These help in keeping our joints health, weight management, keeping our blood fats normal and optimizing brain function. As these are essential fats and our body cannot make them taking mercury free supplements are advisable.
Calcium, Magnesium & Iron
Calcium and magnesium help in bone building as well as producing energy and for better nerve functioning. Iron is also an essential nutrient responsible for keeping you active and protecting against infections as well as maintaining body temperature. As per experts our body requires about 18 mg per day. Though a pregnant and nursing women requires 27 mg and 9 mg per day respectively. Vitamin C and A help a lot in iron absorption.
As a busy woman, you might be occupied with umpteen activities around house, kids and family but its your health that equally matters so do take care of your health as well.
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