Vitamin D Deficiency Signs Which You Tend to Ignore

Vitamin D is one of the most vital vitamins in the body and hence, its deficiency can affect the functioning of numerous systems across your body. It is made from cholesterol when your body is exposed to sunlight. More than a vitamin it is a hormone to which every cell in the body is receptive. While sunlight is a natural source, you can get it from foods like fatty fish and dairy products as well. As per the experts you cannot get the daily intake solely through food and relying on supplements is the way. Your daily intake of Vitamin D needs to be around 400-800 IU. Let us run down the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and risk factors associated with Vitamin D Deficiency.

Vitamin D Deficiency

The symptoms could mean different in different people. Here’s a run down –

Fatique or tiredness – If you are suffering from excessive fatigue or tiredness, you could have a Vitamin D deficiency. The doctor might suggest supplement intake to improve energy levels.

Pain in Bone / Back – Vitamin D is responsible for calcium absorption so bone or back pain could be a sign of inadequate levels of Vitamin D. Chronic back pain is a common example.

Depression – However strange it may sound, but yes depression could be a sign of Vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D supplements can help improve moods as per research.

Hair Loss – Excessive hair loss can be caused to deficiency in Vitamin D. Many of us take it to be a result of stress and ignore but never does it strike that we get our Vitamin D tested.

Bone Loss – As vitamin D plays a significant role in bone metabolism management and absorption of calcium, a deficiency could lead to bone loss and increased risk of fractures.

Muscle Pain – Though not always, muscle pain could be a result of Vitamin D deficiency.

Diagnosis – You can find out if you have a Vitamin D deficiency of not by running a laboratory Vitamin D test. The reference levels for the test are as follows
Severe Deficiency  : < 10 ng/ml
Deficiency              : < 20 ng/ ml
Normal Range       : 20 – 30 ng/ml
Sufficiency             : 30 -100 ng/ml
Toxicity                   : >100 ng/ml

Treatment – Vitamin D deficiency is generally treated by prescribing Vitamin D supplements and again re-checking after a few weeks for the results. If you feel you might be deficient in Vitamin D visit a doctor to treat it. Taking vitamin D deficiency lightly only because it is very common, is not advisable.


RRMCH one of the leading private medical college and hospital in Bangalore

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