Safe House For Many Disease Causing Viruses – Human Semen

Safe House For Many Disease Causing Viruses - Human Semen

When researchers was carried out on Zika virus, it was found that the virus finds its way through the man’s semen and stays there safely for a long time, over a few months. This led to a further study about other viruses with the ability to find their way to the man’s semen and staying there safely.

The research was carried out at the oxford university and it was discovered that there were a minimum of 27 different viruses with and ability to get into the blood and the semen as per the existing reports of scientific literature of ‘viremic’ viruses. The research also highlighted that the spread of the viruses in the semen is apparently even more than assumed.

The list of viruses not only includes lesser known ones but lots of popular ones too like HIV, Hepatitis C, Ebola, herpes, chikungunya, chickenpox and the less known ones like simian foamy, rift valley fever to name a few.
Though research is just at the preliminary stage as only the list of the viruses that have the ability to use a man’s semen as a safe house stay are known but more details like how long can they actually stay there, in what concentrations and how able they are in triggering or fueling he disease is yet to be studied.

Additionally, it is yet to be known whether these viruses have the ability to infect the sperms. This holds grave importance because it can lead to mutating the sperm DNA and passing the same to the next generation further increasing cancer risk in that generation as well. Additionally, many of us might not be aware that testes are known to be immune to any invasions by the body’s immune system. They are also therefore called immuno-logically privileged.

These findings might just raise questions on the considerations around treatments developed for viral diseases and their effects on the virus located across the body included the male reproductive tract.

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