Plaques of Pregnancy or Puppp – A Rare Pregnancy Rash

We all know that pregnancy can bring along a lot of side effects also like fatigue, nausea, vomiting and more. But, one rare condition that only a few or say 1 in 160 women get are pregnancy PUPPPs. Though, it is known to be a common condition experienced by pregnant women, not all are aware of it. Here’s and over view of Pruritic Urticarial Papules or PUPPPS, also known as plaques or Pregnancy.

Plaques of Pregnancy or Puppp

Though as on day scientists and medical experts aren’t really sure of the reason behind the surfacing of such itchy rashes in women during pregnancy but believe that it could be due to excessive stretching of skin in the months nearing to delivery.

Also, there is no cure. The rashes tend to appear in the third semester and disappear within 2 weeks post birthing. The rashes start mostly from the stomach and spread across your thighs, legs, hands and neck area. They look like red swollen patches and are extremely itchy.

Another reason cited by experts around rash is the circulation of immune fetal cells through the body. These cells spark an immune response that in turn leads to the rash surfacing. The theory finds support in the fact that the fetal cells do stay in the body for short time after delivery. But, it’s not proved yet.

The itching could get worse if you tend to scratch it. Better to avoid scratching. In hotter regions the itching and pain is much worse and proper care needs to be taken for relief. Here are a few tips around relief from rashes

  1. Ice – Cool ice compresses can help relieve the itching. Wrap the ice compress in a cloth and apply few time during the day.
  2. Oatmeal – Oatmeal baths are known to be effective home remedy for may skin conditions including this one.
  3. Peppermint – Peppermint comes with menthol and it is known to have cooling effects. Use peppermint oil on the rashes or you might consume the prescribed quantity after consulting your doctor.
  4. Moisturiser –
  5. Clove oil – Clove oil is also known to have cooling effects because it contains antimicrobials and antioxidants, phenol eugenol to be specific.

A study in 2017 revealed that around 25 participants who applied petroleum jelly followed by clove oil on rash prone areas show a reduction in symptoms compared to the group that used on petroleum jelly.

Having said that, not every pregnant woman gets these itchy rashes but those who get could use the above tips for relief purpose because these rashes could get itchy to hell and frustrate you to the core. But, be calm, this will pass off and there is not known effects to the fetus due to their occurrence as yet.

*Sourced from Internet

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Egg Freezing – More Power to Women

Egg freezing is not an entirely unknown term. Awareness about it is fast spreading across cities in India. Even Gynaecologists have observed a spurt in the inquiries around egg freezing. Scientifically known as oocyte cryopreservation, this process involves the extraction of a woman’s egg from the ovary, freezing and storing it. Afterwards at the time of conceiving, this egg is thawed and placed in the uterus as embryos.

This is a boon for women in India today who want to make life choices on their own at their time. Many women delay marriages as they do not want to get married under pressure and want to prioritize education and career. Such women can freeze their eggs and use them later to conceive. There are numerous case studies to help you understand how egg freezing helped women in India conceive and deliver a healthy baby at a time when they were ready for it.

Case 1 – A 31-year-old female from Matunga wanted to conceive through IVF and her husband was in too much pressure while donating his sperm, so much so that he was not able to produce a semen sample required for the IVF on the day of collection. So, they extracted her egg and froze it. The IVF process was later completed once the semen was received and she had a hassle free pregnancy.

Case 2 – A 14-year-old female was diagnosed with cancer in one of her ovaries. The doctor extracted and froze her egg from the other ovary before she underwent chemotherapy. He mother was glad that her daughter had a choice to conceive in the future as freezing her egg granted protection to her fertility.

Case 3 – A 36-year-old who was not ready for marriage, froze her eggs at 32 so that whenever she is ready for it and for maternity, there are no issues with conceiving.

Today, egg freezing awareness is spreading fast amongst the society and many women are opting for the alternative as it empowers them to make a choice of becoming a mother, at the time they want to. Across the world, egg freezing has already helped conceive and deliver over 2000 babies. Having said that, even though the freezing can be done at any age based on the count of antral follicles and hormone levels, the doctors generally advise doing the egg freezing before 35 years.

In today’s times when the world is embracing gender equality and women are determined to match the abilities of men in almost every walk of life, egg freezing is an amazing addition to their empowerment arsenal.

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5 tips to help you sail through the pregnancy voyage safely

Pregnancy is the harbinger of a new life coming to form and the herald of a life changing journey commencing 9 months later. One of the most remarkable moments is when you come to know about it and then begins a daily routine that involves a lot of tests, doctor visits and self-care. While, it is a vital part of a woman’s life, sailing through the pregnancy phase is also another extremely vital part because of the risks associated with the whole process. So, here are five important tips that could help you ensure safe drive through your pregnancy roads.

pregnancy Voyage Safely

Genetic Screening – Sometimes genetic illnesses can affect the health of the fetus and hence it is detrimental for you and your spouse to undergo genetic screening.

De-stressing – Stress can affect your health as well as the health of the fetus. So, keeping yourself stress-free is a good idea. To keep stress at bay you may indulge yourself in activities like breathing exercises, relaxing showers, yoga, and meditation.

De-Addiction – Addictions can be life-threatening for the fetus and create unnecessary complications like premature birth, low birth weight or miscarriage. Good idea to stay away from them.

Exercise – Remaining active is the key to a healthy body. So, exercise on a routine basis, walk every day for some-time and feel fit all through your pregnancy.

Diet Balance – A balanced diet can help you and your fetus stay healthy and receive all the necessary nutrients throughout the prenatal period. So, get a dietician for a customized diet plan and follow it all through.

Prenatal Care – Do your research to get yourself a certified and experienced prenatal care center. Try finding it nearby to avoid the hassles of commuting through traffic for regular checkups and emergency times.

Besides that always take care of yourself all through the pregnancy while walking or commuting with respect to your safety and avoid any laborious activities that have a potential to harm you like lifting heavy stuff, riding two-wheelers through traffic, but to name a few.

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology has been providing comprehensive health care for women. We provide regular clinical services in Obstetrics like antenatal care, labor management, Postpartum Care. We also provide specialized care in high-risk pregnancies like P.I.H, Eclampsia, GDM, Multiple gestations, BOH.

Top 5 Pregnancy Complications To Be Aware Of

The news of pregnancy brings in smiles on the faces of the family members. On the flip side, during the three trimesters, you need to be on your toes and all alert because pregnancy can cause complications if proper care is not taken. Though you are going to be under the scanner all through the pregnancy cycle and your doctor is going to get you tested on various complications, you yourself need to be aware of them and take self-care to keep them at bay.

Here is a run through some complications of pregnancy that can be life threatening to the fetus and the mom as well.

Top 5 Pregnancy Complications To Be Aware Of

1. Pre-eclampisa – It is the almost rare condition in pregnancy because it usually affects only 5 % of the pregnant women in India. This condition is caused by high level of proteins in the urine, high blood pressure or kidney conditions post 20 weeks of pregnancy.
Care needs to be taken to be aware and act promptly by the doctor if there are even mild symptoms of it because it can progress fast and can be life-threatening to the baby and the mother too. The solution to it is early delivery.

2. Gestational Diabetes – This is one of the common conditions occurring in pregnant women in India. Around 10% women could be prey to this condition that can be diagnosed during 24-28 weeks of pregnancy. Post-diagnosis your blood sugar levels will be monitored on a regular basis. Most of them with mild conditions manage to keep it at bay through exercise and diet and are able to deliver healthy babies without complications. But, care needs to be taken to avoid it from aggravating because it can then cause serious harm to the fetus.

3. Placenta Previa – This condition can cause complications towards the end of pregnancy not in the early stages. Hence, the doctors check the location and placement of your placenta with a sonography test during the second     tri-semester. 1 in 200 women suffer from this condition and it can be quite dangerous if the placenta is at extremely low levels.

4. Miscarriage – One of the most dreaded conditions which can only be avoided by taking proper care, miscarriage is caused in the first 20 weeks. This is common with Indian women and 20% of them experience this condition within 12 weeks mostly. The symptoms of it include spotting and bleeding at the vagina. The doctor does a sonography to check for the condition.

5. Premature Delivery – Premature delivery is when the cervix opens before 37 weeks of pregnancy. If the delivery happens too early then it can be life-threatening for the baby, so care needs to be taken to avoid it.

The department of Obstetrics and Gynecology has been providing comprehensive health care for women. We provide regular clinical services in Obstetrics like antenatal care, labor management, postpartum Care. We also provide specialized care in high risk pregnancies like P.I.H, Eclampsia, GDM, Multiple gestations, BOH. With the backup of NICU, we are able to salvage preterm babies of 30 weeks on wards. Highly qualified doctors, with the help of well equipped labor ward, conduct normal and caesarian deliveries

Lower Back Pain vs Kidney Pain – The Difference

Many of us fail to figure out the difference when we experience pain particularly when its either kidney or lower back pain. So, to begin get down to the definition of lower back pain and kidney pain.

It’s called lower back pain when it occurs anywhere from the buttocks upto the lower back. While kidney pain is said to occur between the hips or flanks and the ribs. At times you may experience it in the upper abdominal region as well. Well, this is the basic difference in back pain and kidney pain but otherwise also there are many other difference that can help you figure out which kind of pain you are suffering from. Here’s a sneak peek into a few other differences between kidney pain and lower back pain.


Kidney Pain
Kidney pain is the result of a kidney infection or a kidney stone usually. Kidney infection can cause mild pain but kidney stone pain is very severe in nature and often compared to labor pain.

The causes of kidney pain include kidney infection and kidney stones as mentioned before besides the pain could also be a result of renal infarction, kidney cancer and glomerulonephritis.

Lower Back Pain
Lower back pain is further divided as acute pain and chronic pain. While acute pain lasts for around 4 to 12 weeks, chronic back pain can easily last over 12 weeks. Also known as lumbago it affects people of all age groups.

Lower back pain is a result of muscle sprain, spasm or tear leading to disc bulge or herniation, spinal stenosis, osteoporosis or sciatica. It could also be due to vertebral body, pedicle fracture or fracture of lamina. It can be caused due to Paravertebral muscle spasm or metastatic vertebral cancer.

Pain Management
Kidney Pain – Kidney pain treatment depends of its causes and usually involves use of antibiotics and medications if its infection but in case of kidney stones if that does not work a laser surgery or a minimally invasive surgery could be carried out.

Back Pain – For relief against lower back pain issues treatment could include suitable therapies like heat and cold, physical and massage therapies to name a few. In case with complications based on the diagnosis surgical procedures might be advised.

Well, its always advisable to visit your doctor if you suffer from back pain in order to figure out the root cause of the problem, be it kidney or lower back.

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5 Supplements Women Need After 30

Many a times, lost in responsibilities around office or home, family or kids women forget about personal health or keep ignoring them. Till women are in the twenties, body is younger and fitter and hence copes in a better way. But, post 30 as you are nearly knocking door of your middle age, is when you really need to look into your bodily needs.
After 30 there are a lot of changes that occur in a women’s body and are more visible after 35 years of age. These include changes in menstrual cycles, urinary incontinence, fibroids, pregnancy difficulties, prominent signs of aging, slow metabolism, but to name a few.

5 Supplements Women Need After 30As per experts and specialists supplements can work well in maintaining the balance of nutrients required by the body.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D as we all know helps in a lot of ways that include immunity building, genes regulation, cancer prevention, bone health and more. The best, easy and affordable source of Vitamin D is sunlight. Sitting in the sunlight with minimal clothing for an hour can work well for your body. If not than Vitamin D supplements is the alternative.

Anti- Oxidants
It is in the mid or late thirties that women start noticing fine lines as well as thinning of skin. But, this process of aging can be slowed down with the help for a few minerals and vitamins together known as anti-oxidants. In order to boost immunity besides slowing aging women need to take in atleast 15 mg of Vitamin E. Further taking in 75 mg of Vitman C, which facilitates in vitamin E absorption and Vitamin A for protection against sun damage and eye

Omega 3 fatty acids/ fish oil
As per doctors, our body needs 3 gms of omega 3 fatty acids per day. These help in keeping our joints health, weight management, keeping our blood fats normal and optimizing brain function. As these are essential fats and our body cannot make them taking mercury free supplements are advisable.

Calcium, Magnesium & Iron
Calcium and magnesium help in bone building as well as producing energy and for better nerve functioning. Iron is also an essential nutrient responsible for keeping you active and protecting against infections as well as maintaining body temperature. As per experts our body requires about 18 mg per day. Though a pregnant and nursing women requires 27 mg and 9 mg per day respectively. Vitamin C and A help a lot in iron absorption.

As a busy woman, you might be occupied with umpteen activities around house, kids and family but its your health that equally matters so do take care of your health as well.

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